Virtual AbGradE 2021

Symposium by AbGrad Europe, open to all early-career astrobiologists.

Virtual AbGradE 2021

AbGradE is pleased to invite you to join their virtual symposium, which will take place on September 2-3, 2021 (right before the EANA2021 conference)!

The symposium is open to all early-career astrobiologists – from undergraduates to postdocs. It will be a great opportunity to get a glimpse into the world of this diverse scientific field and to present your work in front of a friendly audience of peers.

It will include keynote speakers, contributed talks and posters. “Virtual AbGradE 2021” will be a chance to show that the Astrobiology research family is still vibrant and motivated despite the COVID‑19 pandemic.

Learn more


2 - 3 September 2021



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